5 Signs You Need To See A Cardiologist

5 Signs You Need To See A Cardiologist


The heart plays a pivotal role in the function of the human body. The supply of blood and oxygen is one of the necessary works that a heart has done. Heart disease is an important cause of death.


Naturally, people are waiting for severe heart issues, which may be the main cause of death. If you are witnessing any of the heart issues mentioned in the list, visiting a cardiologist in Siliguri will be the best decision that you have ever taken.


Don’t ignore any one of the following symptoms:


Chest pain

Chest pain is one of the symbols of a heart attack. Although there are other reasons behind chest pain, chest pressure is responsible while the heart not getting enough blood circulation. In this concern, a cardiologist can support you best by saying the treatment procedure.


Breathing trouble

If you are gasping heavily or feeling dizziness after a minimum activity, it is the right time to visit a heart doctor. Gasping and shortness of breath have many reasons, however, for your safety to discuss the issue with a cardiologist is important. The reason behind breathing trouble may be the reason for coronary artery disease.


High blood pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is an issue that pressures the blood against your arteries wall. This is a sign of a heart attack. Blood pressure is set both by the quantity of blood your heart pumps and the quantity of resistance to blood circulation in your arteries.


Hence, it is important to check your blood pressure regularly. If you are ignored it, high blood pressure may be the cause of your heart attack, stroke, etc.



Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes have a relation although the exact reason behind it is yet known. Diabetic patients are affected by the cardiovascular disease more. Similarly, diabetic patients are attacked more by strokes and other heart issues.


High diabetes can be injurious to the heart. Besides, diabetes can harm blood vessels and nerves, and for that reason, it is difficult to pump blood beneficially. If you are suffering from high blood sugar, make sure to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and have a regular health checks.


High cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty material available in many foods and is made by the liver. High cholesterol can prepare a blockage in arteries. A healthy diet can only control your high cholesterol level.


Your doctor may prescribe you some medicines to control high cholesterol levels. Visit a cardiologist in Siliguri and discuss with him to lower the risk of heart attack by controlling high cholesterol levels.


Apart from these conditions, excessive swelling, family history, smoking, palpitation, and irregular heartbeat also increase the risks of a heart attack. If you have the symptoms listed above contact immediately to a cardiologist to avoid the higher risk of cardiac arrest.

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