Cardiologist Reveals Top Secrets to Healthy Heart

Cardiologist Reveals Top Secrets to Healthy Heart


To keep your heart healthy, lifestyle is the key. Without a healthy lifestyle, there’s a high chance of getting prone to diseases. Unmanaged heart disease is one of the leading causes of heart attack. If you have a chronic heart condition, besides lifestyle choices, routine health checkups are essential. You might make an appointment with the top cardiologist in Siliguri.

Let’s understand how you can keep your cardiovascular health fit and healthy:


Exercise keeps you physically active, keeping you from obesity. It helps strengthen the heart muscle. While vigorous exercise has numerous advantages for heart health, it is not effective for everyone. Practice moderate-intensity workouts, or walking.

Heart-Healthy Diet

A healthy diet and physical activity are the two most important aspects of your cardiovascular health.

Include wholesome foods in your diet such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You can add lean proteins and healthy fats to look after your cardiovascular health.

Keep from or limit processed foods, fried foods, fast foods, excessive oily foods, too much sodium, sugary snacks, and foods high in saturated and trans fats. Seek yourtop cardiologist in Siliguri for a heart-friendly diet.

Healthy Weight

With a healthy diet and routine workouts, you can keep your body weight optimal. Be sure to have gradual weight loss by making sustainable modifications to your diet and physical activity.Excessive body weight or obesity is one of the leading reasons for heart disease.

Enough & Quality Sleep

7-8 hours of sleep is vital for your cardiovascular wellness. This reduces the risk of various cardiovascular diseases and other health conditions. You can consult your general physician if you have trouble sleeping.

Managing Stress

Stress can play havoc with your health, causing hormonal imbalance, elevated blood pressure, etc. Practice stress-reducing techniques, including deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and listening to healing music.

Engaging in a hobby you enjoy can relieve your stress. You can talk to your loved ones like friends, family members, etc.

No Smoking

If you smoke, it increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalance, lung diseases, certain eye diseases, cancer, diabetes, breathing issues, etc. Try your best to avoid exposure to second-hand smoke.

No Alcohol Intake

No one can ensure the safe limit of alcohol intake. Everyone is different. Therefore, the effect of alcohol intake can be different for people. Consumption of alcohol can cause high blood pressure, hormonal imbalance, heart muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, stroke, etc.

Risk factors for cardiovascular health

  • Tobacco smoking
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity and obesity
  • Family history
  • Alcohol
  • Excessive stress
  • Existing high blood pressure
  • High LDl
  • Diabetes
  • Exposure to secondhand smoking

These are some effective and simple lifestyle choices to make. Simultaneously, routine check-ups are essential, especially for those with a chronic heart condition. Talk to your heart doctor in Siliguri.

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